"Arlene's command and presence in a room makes you hope that the evening never ends. She really swings!"

- Chicago Jazz Magazine

"Some singers just scratch the surface of the great American songbook, but Arlene digs deep into its core."

- Tommy Muellner

CD Cover

Latest News

Arlene has just returned from her engagement at the The Metropolitan Room in NYC The Metropolitan Room

Arlene Bardelle is now on pandora.com Pandora Internet Radio

"Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" is played daily on JazzRadio.com!

Arlene's debut CD "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" has been released on Proteus Entertainment. Listen to samples, read the liner notes, or order your copy today.


Contact Arlene

For booking contact Arlene at:

Email: arlenebardelle@comcast.net
Phone: 773.552.0343